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Monday, May 5, 2008

Bioclear is an interesting concept, but I'm leary about the proximal bonding to the occlusal. Does this present problems?

-- Kenneth

Dear Kenneth,

Great question. We have had no problems placing composite next to freshly cut composite, especially freshly placed composite. We treat it just like enamel.

I am far more concerned about creating ideal shapes to control C factor and this is a very nice way to accomplish that, and to be able to create ideal rounded profiles, good solid contacts and well sealed gingival margins. Those things I worry about.
In fact, most of the composites on the market other than 3M Filtek Supreme Plus are actually made from chunks of pre-polymerized composite that are essentially ground up and then remanufactured/remixed with thinner composite. That is how the fumed silica based composites are able to get such high filler content. The 3M product has a robust patent on their zirconia filler system, and are able to pack more filler without having to grind and re-mix.

Regardless, we have seen nearly perfect results on follow up. I will cc to my friends at 3M to see if they have anything further to add.

Warm regards,


Anonymous said...

I love the Bioclear system at least the esthetic element, contacts, and contour. Unfortunately I am getting a lot of complaints about post op sensitivity. Small occlusal preps even come back with complaints of pain. I don't understand what good is an absolutely beautiful fill if the patient is left in pain. I use etch, clearfil prime & bond surfil sir flowable (no bulk filling) and reenamel micro hybrid for posteriors and micro fill for anteriors. please help

Olivia Collier DMD

Dr. David Clark said...

Dear Olivia,

Thanks for your post. Most doctors using Bioclear and the techniques I teach report a decrease in sensitivity. However you are not the first to have problems with potoperative sensitivity. I am posting this updated document "10 Reasons and Solutions for Post Operative Composite Sensitivity". I will have Tanya contact your office so we can set up a time over the phone to review your specific protocol. I am very confident that we can solve the problem. In the meantime you could to switch to 3M Easy Bond immediately.
