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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Has any one tried modifiying the matrix by trimming off some of the facial plastic

Hello, Dr. Clark. Our office has ordered our first kit of Bioclear matrices. We look forward to trying them. We also enjoyed the step by step article in Dentistry Today magazine.

Has any one tried modifiying the matrix by trimming off some of the facial plastic above where the new contact will be? It seems like it would provide better access for adhesive and flowable. We usually close diastemata by building the fillings either directly against each other and do the Mopper Pop or use teflon tape. So not having the buccal portion of the matrix towards the incisal edge might not be a bad idea.

Please let me know if this has been tried and doesn't work so I can save some time. Thank you for your time.

Blair VanNostrand D.M.D


Hello Dr. VanNostrand,

Try it both ways, and if you can take some photographs I promise to use them in my lectures. I encourage everyone to trim the matrices as needed. I am still experimenting myself. Having a closed off matrix is a brand new concept and has advantages and disadvantages. Watch the DVD and you might decide not to trim it back. If you are layering, I would trim it as you have suggested. Either way let me know!


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